Liberty Financial Solutions, LLC: We worry about the IRS so you don't have to......
While we're all about helping you resolve your back tax issues and representing you before the IRS, we also want to provide practical tips to help you stay on top of your personal finances and the safeguarding of your personal information.

The Importance Of Strong Passwords
While it may seem daunting to create and update passwords, enacting strong passwords is something that we all can do to keep our assets and our interests secure. And truth be told, it's something that's really not too difficult or time consuming to do.
There are countless bad actors out there constantly trying to crack weak passwords and steal people's information and ultimately rob them of their hard earned money. Knowing that there are people out there right now wanting to steal my hard-earned money is more than enough to convince me of the importance of strong passwords. Just imagine if they would put this effort to something beneficial to society.
Nevertheless, weak passwords such as your anniversary, your dog's name, or even 1,2,3 make easy targets for would be thieves.

What You Can Do
First, make your passwords long. Try and shoot for 12 to 16 characters. The longer the password, the harder it is to crack.
Next, try to make your passwords random. If they're not random, this makes them more likely to be hacked as well. There are password generators out there to help you with this, although many of them require payment.
Try to make them as unique as possible. In other words, don't use the same password for every one of your accounts.
Finally, try not to share your passwords with anyone (George Costanza in Seinfeld comes to mind). Also, if you get a call or any other communication from someone wanting your password, err on the side of caution and don't give it to them.
In Closing
To summarize, strong passwords are an easy way to keep your data and your assets secure. That's all for now friends!
To your continued success!
P.S. Make sure you get your FREE copy of our SPECIAL REPORT: "The 7 Secrets The IRS Does NOT Want You To Know!" (simply click on the link in the previous sentence, scroll down to the second section of our home page, and download your copy today!)
